
Bangladesh Astronomical Union has arranged lots of discussion, seminars, meetings on different topics and occasions of Science.
Major Events:
4 January: Perihelion (Earth comes closest to the sun)
2 February:  World Wetlands Day
14 March: Pi day
21 March: The vernal equinox (the first point of Aries)
12 April: First human in space
5-11 May: Astronomy week
21 June: Summer Solstice
14 July: Aphelion
20 July: First landing of humans on the moon
16 September: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
22 September: Autumnal Equinox 
4-10 October : World Space Week
26 October: Hunter’s Moon rises this year
10- 21 November: Leonid
22 December: Winter Solstice
Solar eclipse
Lunar eclipse